Unit C, Metro Business Park,
Clough Street, Hanley, S-O-T ST1 4AF
01782 433204 / 433205
Email: info@savana.org.uk
Wed - Fri: 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm
Mon/Tue extended hours: 9am-8pm
Clough Street, Hanley, S-O-T ST1 4AF
Email: info@savana.org.uk
Mon/Tue extended hours: 9am-8pm
You can access free Counselling and ISVA support services through Savana by submitting an online referral form below.
If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual violence and abuse and needs support you can access our self referral form and professional referral form below.
*please note we can only take referral from the Stoke-On-Trent area.
Follow-Up: Our dedicated team will review your referral promptly and reach out to you or the individual referred to discuss the next steps to book an initial options appointment (IOA) .
Please note* if a professional fills in a self referral form rather than a professional referral form the referral may not be processed.
If you are making a referral for yourself, a family member or friend please use our self-referral form by clicking here. Or use the button below.
If you are making a professional referral please use our professional referral form by clicking here. Or use the button below.
*Please Note: we can only take referrals if the named person on the form is aware of the referral. Referrals made via our online referral service will only be accessed during office hours 9am – 5pm Mon – Fri.
We offer person centered counselling to survivors of rape, sexual violence and abuse provided by qualified counsellors. Supporters and Carers of the survivors may also access the service if they have been affected by the survivors experience of sexual violence and abuse.
Click here to find out more about or free counselling service >>
Unit C, Metro Business Park,
Clough Street, Hanley
Monday 9 am–8 pm
Tuesday 9 am–8 pm
Wednesday 9 am–5 pm
Thursday 9 am–5 pm
Friday 9 am–5 pm
Saturday 9 am–2 pm
Sunday Closed